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About Kazinga

The Kazinga Story

Kazinga, the game, was created by our family of four while just passing the time together at home one night.

A set of poker chips, old dice modified with small stickers, some index cards, and a touch of imagination later, we created a new game that was really fun to play!

The name came along a bit later when the kids arranged letters drawn from their own names. We hope you enjoy many years of great times together playing Kazinga!

After all, fun is the essence of life and what could be better than some healthy competition amongst friends and family!

How To
Play Kazinga!
Each game set comes with:
Just Some Friendly Competition Amongst Friends and Family!
Instructional Videos
Understanding the Game
  • Instructional Videos1
Rules of Play
  • Rule1
  • Rule2
  • Rule3
  • Rule4
  • Rule5
  • Rule6
  • Rule7
  • Rule8
  • Rule9
  • Rule10
  • Rule11
  • Rule12